So McCarthy finally won, and is now more beholden to the Far Right than he was before. What does this mean for the rest of us?

James Wells
3 min readJan 11, 2023
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I will tell you what it means: Declining power of the Federal Government to do it’s job well. The Federal government that was empowered as the populist (Maynard) Keynsian regulator of universal benefits for all “the” people in America since FDR’s New Deal will soon be stripped of it’s power to cater to the universal needs of all people in America regardless of ethnicity, gender preferences, or social status. But not without a major fight from the American Center and Left. More on that later.

So, on the 15th round of voting, after 5 days of losing to the Far Right, McCarthy won as the new Republican Speaker of the House. By appeasing “the ultra-Right enemy of the State” agreeing to meet all of their socially destructive demands, he was able to convince just enough of the far right members of Congress to support him on the 15th round of voting. McCarthy had patiently met the demands of his opponents. Yes, they were his opponents as well as opponents of the Democrats.

He won by appeasement to his detractors! What did he give up or agree to do for the Far Right? What really happened to McCarthy after giving his narcissistic victory speech full of platitudes?

McCarthy has won a pyrrhic victory. He achieved his most coveted position as Speaker of The House while having to renounce his life-long commitment to traditional conservatism and he’s now beholden to “the extremist devil” within the Republican Party.

McCarthy gave up his own lock on long-term GOP power in the House of Congress. It is now impossible for him to become the Republican Nancy Pelosi, as he dreamed of becoming. Like the Chameleon Portia in Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”, he politically cross-dressed as the benign American scion of the “ real-People’s” (meaning Rural White Nationalist’s) law-making Body, but in the process learned that he had exonerated the master-minds of the January 6th insurrection against Democracy!

He let those “good, kind white people” such as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump, meaning “Antonio” in Merchant of venice have their say, become powerful and exonerated, i.e. not have to pay their proverbial Pound of Flesh to “Shylock” the unrelenting justice-minded Democrats!

Traditional Bakersfield Republican Principles be damned, the wider American public be damned! But guess what, well just as Portia found that Antonio’s Ships eventually came safely into port with all his riches from elsewhere, and she did not have to pay off Shylock’s Bond to find herself a “worthy” Husband or Suiter, so too will Kevin McCarthy find out that he could have waited a while and perhaps gained real Presidential electoral power as a Republican. But, as he soon will find out, he will undoubtedly be removed from his Speakers’ chair in Congress and will fall from power and Grace, screaming while receding into political oblivion!

What will this mean for Centrist Republicans, Moderate and also Left-wing younger Democrats. Well when the Social-Conservative Republicans such as Marjorie Taylor Greene demand that McCarthy creates and supports new bills in Congress re-segregating America, outlawing the right to marry anyone of whatever gender, race, ethnicity or color a Citizen rightfully chooses, and McCarthy refuses in the interest of “decency” he will be Axed by the Far Right!

Democrats, Center or Left will ultimately win next time around, but not without a massive nationally coordinated public effort to get out the vote! Or it could mean the temporary postponement of Democracy itself. McCarthy’s political career will not survive, and like Portia in Merchant of Venice he will become the new national Pariah, a “good” conservative who blew-up the Republic of the Founding Fathers, one who gave up his political “wealth” to end up in an unhappy political marriage, ultimately losing power.

All because McCarthy was “drunk” on gaining power and control of the House of Representatives, and was willing to sell his own soul or “flesh” to do so.



James Wells
James Wells

Written by James Wells

An Architect conscious of the World.

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